We are here to help.
Reach out for support early.
You can call us before you know that you might miss your next payment. Changes to your household budget, including increased cost of living pressure or unexpected household expenses, increases in interest rates, or other changes to circumstances could impact your ability to make your repayments.
Don’t wait until you are in arrears before reaching out. If you know you might not be in a position to make loan repayments contact us now to discuss your situation so that we can offer support during this time.
Don’t wait until you are in arrears before reaching out. If you know you might not be in a position to make loan repayments contact us now to discuss your situation so that we can offer support during this time.
We understand that you may need help, and you are not alone. There are many reasons why you might need to contact us, including:
- Unemployment
- Illness / medical expenses
- Relationship breakdown, including domestic violence and financial abuse
- Death in the family
- Unexpected changes in income or expenditure
- Natural disaster
- Mental health issues
- Business failure
We are here to support you when you need it.
We’re committed to helping you navigate through these difficult times.
We tailor solutions that fit your needs and that are sustainable for the long term.
Do you have unexpected reduction in income or an increase in expenses that affect your next payment?
For customers who have recently transitioned from
St. George Bank or Bank of Melbourne
Financial Assistance:
Telephone:1300 064 029
Email: carfinance@resimac.com.au Post:PO Box H284, Australia Square, NSW, 1215
For existing Resimac Asset Finance customers
Financial Assistance:
Telephone:1300 729 955
Email: raf.customercare@resimac.com.au Post:PO Box H284, Australia Square, NSW, 1215
Would you like a Phone Interpreter? Try ATIS (Automated Telephone Interpreting Services) on 1800 131 450
Not only we can help you, there are additional free resources that may be of assistance to you.
Here is what you need to know about
Not only we can help you, there are additional free resources that may be of assistance to you.
Here is what you need to know about
Financial Hardship Assistance and Credit Reporting
(through creditsmart.org.au).
Dispute Resolution
If you are dissatisfied with our response to your Financial Assistance application, please contact us.Email:complaints@resimac.com.au
Mailing Address: PO Box H284, Australia Square NSW 1215
Telephone:1300 729 955
You have the right to lodge a complaint with the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA). The AFCA scheme is a free service that provides you with an independent mechanism to resolve specific complaints.By phone:1800 931 678 (free call)
By email: info@afca.org.au
Online at: https://www.afca.org.au/about-afca/contact-us
By letter: AFCA Service Complaints
Australian Financial Complaints Authority
GPO Box 3, Melbourne VIC 3001
Additional help
Did you know that there is additional help available?
There are free, independent, and confidential services in every state and territory, who can give you financial counselling services that helps people in financial difficulty.
Service / Organisation | Purpose and / or service description | Contact Information | Website |
000 | In an emergency, victims or those witnessing violence should call the police on 000. | 000 | |
1800 RESPECT | 1800 RESPECT provides access to phone or online counselling, information on safety planning, and information on how to support someone who is experiencing domestic and family violence. | 1800 737 732 | www.1800respect.org.au |
Centrelink | Centrelink is an Australian Government Statutory Agency assisting people to become self-sufficient and supporting those in need. | 13 28 50 | www.servicesaustralia.gov.au/centrelink |
Lifeline | Lifeline provides Australians experiencing a personal crisis with 24-hour crisis support and suicide prevention services. | 13 11 14 | www.lifeline.org.au |
National Debt Hotline | Customer can talk on the phone to a financial counsellor from anywhere in Australia. | 1800 007 007 | www.ndh.org.au |
Money Smart | You can get guidance on general financial matters, as well as specific information on protecting your money and yourself from financial abuse. | www.moneysmart.gov.au | |
Automated Telephone Interpreting Services (ATIS) | ATIS is an automated immediate interpreting service for agency clients who need to access a phone interpreter. | 1800 131 450 | www.tisnational.gov.au |
The National Relay Service (NRS) | The National Relay Service assists Australians who are deaf, hard of hearing and/or have speech impairment to communicate with voice calls. | 1800 555 660 | www.accesshub.gov.au/about-the-nrs |
Vision Australia | Vision Australia is a leading national provider of blindness and low vision services in Australia. We work in partnership with Australians who are blind or have low vision to help them achieve the possibilities they choose in life. | 1300 847 466 | www.visionaustralia.org |
See D!fferently | See Differently is South Australia's leading provider of low vision services and products | 1300 944 306 | www.seedifferently.org.au |
Local support
Service / Organisation | Purpose and / or service description | Contact Information | Website |
ACT | Domestic Violence Crisis Services | 02 6280 0900 (24/7) | |
NSW | Domestic Violence Line | 1800 656 463 1800 671 442 (24/7) |
www.facs.nsw.gov.au |
NT | Domestic Violence Crisis Line | 1800 019 116 | |
QLD | DV Connect Crisis Support (Women’s Line) | 1800 811 811 (24/7) | www.dvconnect.org |
SA | Women’s Safety Service | 1800 800 098 | www.womenssafetyservices.com.au |
TAS | Family Response and Referral Line | 1800 633 937 (24/7) | |
VIC | Safe Steps Family Violence Response Centre | 1800 015 188 (24/7) safesteps@safesteps.org.au |
www.safesteps.org.au |
WA | Women’s Domestic Violence Helpline. | 1800 007 339 (24/7) |
Additional counselling support
Service / Organisation | Purpose and / or service description | Contact Information | Website |
Relationships Australia | Relationships Australia provides support groups and counselling on relationships, and for abusive and abused partners. To be connected to the nearest Relationships Australia | 1300 364 277 relationships.org.au |
www.relationships.org.au |
Family Relationship Advice Line | Family Relationship Advice Line: provides information and advice on family relationship issues and parenting arrangements after separation | 1800 050 321 | www.familyrelationships.gov.au |
Mensline Australia | Mensline Australia provides a free service offering national telephone and online support, information, and referrals for men with family and relationship concerns. | 1300 789 978 | www.mensline.org.au |
1800 ELDERHelp | 1800 ELDERHelp is a free call phone number that automatically redirects callers seeking information and advice on elder abuse with the existing phone line service in their jurisdiction. The phone line has been established in collaboration with state and territory governments. Elder abuse phone lines are not crisis support services, and operating hours and services vary across jurisdictions. | 1800 353 374 | www.health.gov.au/contacts/elder-abuse-phone-line |
National Dementia Helpline | National Dementia Helpline is a free confidential phone and email information and support service for anyone interested in dementia, concerned about their memory, anybody who has been diagnosed with dementia or who works with people with dementia, or anybody who simply wants to know more | 1800 100 500 | www.dementia.org.au/get-support/national-dementia-helpline |
Accommodation support and services
Service / Organisation | Purpose and / or service description | Contact Information | Website |
ACT | Crisis and Emergency Accommodation (Domestic Violence and homelessness). | Domestic Violence: 6280 0900 Homelessness: 1800 176 468 |
NSW | Family & Community Services Link2home Domestic Violence Line | 1800 656 463 | |
VIC | Crisis & Emergency Accommodation (Domestic Violence & Homelessness). | 1800 825 955 (24/7)
(03) 9536 7777 |
OLD | Crisis & Emergency Accommodation | 13 74 68 | |
NT | Shelterme (Accommodation, Food, Legal, Money & Drug assistance etc). | www.shelterme.org.au | |
WA | Emergency Accommodation | Entry Point: 1800 124 684 Crisis Care: (08) 9223 1111 1800 199 008 Home Hub (support Service) (08) 9387 0555 |
www.entrypointperth.com.au |
SA | Housing Assistance & contact information for additional services (Domestic Violence, Crisis, Food Assistance etc) | www.housing.sa.gov.au | |
TAS | Housing Connect assist individuals by helping apply for social housing, providing support and advice for private rentals, finding a bed for the night, provide support and advice on how to stay in your home and aids thoseseeking assistance following family violence. | 1800 800 588 (24/7) | www.sheltertas.org.au |
Legal and financial support
Service / Organisation | Purpose and / or service description | Contact Information | Website |
Financial Counselling Australia | Customers can speak to a financial counsellor from anywhere in Australia | 1800 007 007 | www.financialcounsellingaustralia.org.au |
National Debt Hotline | National Debt Helpline is a not-for-profit service that helps people manage their debt troubles. | 1800 007 007 | www.ndh.org.au |
Legal Aid NSW | Legal Aid NSW is a state-wide independent government agency that helps people in NSW with their legal problems. | 1300 888 259 | www.legalaid.nsw.gov.au |
Legal Aid QLD | We give legal help to financially disadvantaged people about criminal, family and civil law matters. | 1300 651 188 | www.legalaid.qld.gov.au/Home |
Legal Aid VIC | Legal Aid VIC helps people with legal problems involving family breakdown, child protection, family violence, criminal matters, social security, mental health, discrimination, guardianship and administration, fines, immigration, tenancy and debt. | 1300 792 387 | www.legalaid.vic.gov.au |
Legal Aid WA | Legal Aid WA provides legal aid services in Civil Law, Criminal Law, Community Legal education, Family Law. | 1300 650 579 | www.legalaid.wa.gov.au |
Legal Aid NT | Northern Territory Legal Aid Commission provides free legal advice in most areas of the law including Family, Criminal law and Family law. | 1800 019 343 | www.legalaid.nt.gov.au |
Legal Aid SA | The Commission seeks to give all South Australians equal access to justice through the legal system, providing free legal information, legal advice and legal education to everyone. | 1300 366 424 | www.lsc.sa.gov.au |
Legal Aid ACT | Legal Aid ACT can help you by providing one-off legal advice for minor legal problems, ongoing legal representation for major legal problems, and non-legal support to help you while you take action to resolve your legal problem. | 1300 654 314 | www.legalaidact.org.au |
Legal Aid TAS | Legal Aid Tasmania provides a quality legal service across Tasmania. Legal Aid Tasmania also provides preventative services such as information about the law through our website and through community legal education sessions. | 1300 366 611 | www.legalaid.tas.gov.au |
Women’s Legal Services Australia | Provides face-to-face legal advice through outreach services and runs a partnership to provide family law advice through Family Relationship Centres. These websites have a ‘search by postcode' function which directs clients to relevant local services | www.wlsa.org.au | |
Community Legal Centre (CLC) | Community legal centres focus on helping people who don’t qualify for legal aid and mainly help people with civil and family law issues, like debt, family violence, tenancy, employment law and relationship breakdown in NSW. | 1300 888 529 | www.clcnsw.org.au |
Support for children
Service / Organisation | Purpose and / or service description | Contact Information | Website |
Child Protection Helpline | Service to report abuse and neglect against children. | 13 21 11 | |
Kids Helpline | Free, private, and confidential telephone and online counselling service specifically for young people aged between 5 and 25 in Australia. | 1800 551 800 | www.kidshelpline.com.au |
Australian Childhood Foundation | Counselling for children and young people affected by abuse. | 1800 176 453 (03) 9874 3922 |
www.childhood.org.au |